1030 Could not find or open ASIPORT.RSR or Painter3D.RSR
1031 Shift+Ctrl+%s
1032 Out of disk space for printing. Free up some space before trying again.
1034 All Files
1280 R
1281 P&rint Setup
1282 X
1283 E&xit
2048 Initialization Error
2049 Windows version must be 3.1 or higher.
2050 CPU must be Intel 386 or higher.
2051 Windows must be in enhanced and protected mode.
2052 Windows is currently using a 16-color VGA display driver. Painter3D requires that you change to a display driver that supports 256 or more colors.
2053 Painter3D requires access to the Windows Palette to run properly on 256 color devices.
2054 Not enough free memory to run Painter3D.
2056 Problem during initialization. Painter3D cannot be run.